Migrating to SAP BI4 4.2 SP5 or Crystal Server 2016 SP5? STOP!


This has now been fixed:
SP4 from patch 000009 onwards
SP5 from patch 000400 onwards

For Crystal Server Users, you’ll need to go to SP6. For SAP BI, install the patches or SP6.


First, if you’re just doing a fresh install with no old content to migrate then go ahead. 4.2 SP5 is perfectly stable.

However, you can’t migrate your scheduled Crystal Reports. Yes, I’m wondering if this was tested too!

I’ve done two migrations fromĀ  SAP BI 4.2 SP5 in the past few weeks, both from XI 3.1. In both cases, every scheduled report failed after the migration. The error shows that a file is missing from the File Repository Server. The file has a ‘wid’ extension, as used for Web Intelligence. It would appear that the Upgrade Management Tool changes every reference for a Crystal Report from ‘rpt’ to ‘wid’.

I’ve not got to the bottom of the problem, nor have I tested if it affects other schedule types. For the time being, you have 2 options:

  1. Migrate to an earlier service pack, then patch to SP5
  2. Reschedule every scheduled report.


For those confused by the product naming:

Crystal Server 2008, XI 3.1, SAP BI 3.1 are all the same.

Crystal Server 2016, XI 4.2, SAP BI 4.2 are all the same.

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