Metabase 0.33 Released

More excitement as another update is released! The more observant will notice that I didn’t publish anything about 0.32. Reason being, it was boring. Lots of very worthwhile changes under the hood, but nothing new to look at. 0.33 is much more interesting. The biggest change is the all new query interface. You can now […]

3 Tips for running WordPress on Windows

After running this site using WordPress on Windows for 5 years or so, it’s about time I offered some tips for WordPress on Windows. 1. Don’t do it2. Don’t do it3. Don’t do it It’s called LAMP for a reason. L=Linux, A=Apache, M=MySQL, P=PHP. There’s no mention of ‘W’ for Windows or ‘I’ for Internet […]

Metabase 0.31 released

I’m like a child at Christmas when it comes to software updates. I can’t wait to try out all the new bits and push the new buttons. This enthusiasm has been dampened lately with Microsoft’s well documented problems and the glacial progress of SAP’s BI products. So it’s great to have a new release of […]

Metabase 0.30 released

I’ve been working with Metabase for nearly a year now. Pleased to say that this is the biggest upgrade yet. There’s been a lot of work on security which means that Metabase is now suitable for larger organisations with more complex security requirements. There are more new features than I have time to write about, […]

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